Air Hockey Gold hits the App Store on Friday, March 12th 2010 for free! Air Hockey Gold is built on the same backbone of that made Air Hockey the #1 game in the App Store. In cooperation with Google’s new and still very select Adsense for Mobile Applications program, Acceleroto is proud to unleash Air Hockey Gold to iPhone and iPad touch users worldwide.
The original version of Air Hockey was released on July 28, 2008. After just over a month, it became the #1 paid game in the App Store. Air Hockey has been featured by Apple many times spread over the last year and a half in feature lists including What’s New, What We’re Playing, What’s Hot, and Staff Favorites. It was honored as the #1 game in Apple’s Our Favorite Games list and featured on over 50,000 demo iPhones and iPod touches in Apple Stores worldwide. Air Hockey’s also been featured in Apple TV commercials.
Air Hockey won the Best App Ever 2008 Best Arcade Game and was a finalist in the Best Kids Game category. Air Hockey was listed as one of iLounge’s top 100 games of 2009. It was a finalist again and earned Honorable Mention for the Best App Ever 2009 Best Bluetooth award. Air Hockey by Acceleroto continues to dominate!
Air Hockey has been used by market and university researchers to understand how people like to interact with mobile devices. One researcher said that after launching Air Hockey “every participant smiled.” Air Hockey’s intuitive design, beautiful graphics, and superb gameplay make it an instant hit. Macworld said “Air Hockey from Acceleroto is the best.”
For the first time ever, Air Hockey’s price was reduced as it was featured by Free App A Day and OpenFeint as a free download for 24 hours. In those 24 hours, over 100,000 people downloaded Air Hockey and it rocketed up the App Store charts.
Air Hockey Free has been a huge success. While Apple doesn’t allow “demo” apps, Air Hockey Free has served as a feature limited and ad-free version that lets gamers try out Air Hockey’s Kiddie and Easy difficulty levels. Air Hockey Gold has those same Kiddie and Easy modes, but also includes single-player difficulties up to “INSANE!” With six difficulties to chose from and the groundbreaking choice for one or two pucks, Air Hockey Gold will keep you coming back for more trying to conquer that “if I could just do a little better” feeling.
Air Hockey has inspired may copycats – including games that have gone so far as to borrow our “Kiddie” and “INSANE!” difficulty names. You deserve the best. Now you can have it for free.
Air Hockey Gold launches from those huge successes. Our existing Air Hockey games already have millions of downloads. You’ll instantly fall in love. Grab this unbelievable deal – download Air Hockey Gold.
Stay tuned for more announcements from Acceleroto. You’re going to love Air Hockey on the